Support Our Cause

We take donations for pregnant women in Kalamazoo, MI and surrounding areas

We need your help to achieve our goals to renew our country as PRO-LIFE. Your loving and caring support of the RIGHT TO LIFE cause, protects life from conception to natural death including the disabled, elderly, developmentally, mentally challenged and sick or dying. Please, make a life advocacy donation to CHANGE HEARTS AND MINDS tainted by the pro-death industry.  

Kalamazoo Right to Life is committed to affirming the best of our movement’s traditions, from peacefully advocating for the right to life of all in our human family to closing gaps that may exist between principles and practices while facing, with vision and determination, the challenges presented to women today. Your donation can help make a difference and affirms your commitment to join us in the fight to uphold the right to life. 

We are here to stand with you. No one in Michigan should feel they are alone when faced with a decision for life: a personal decision, a consideration to help a friend, a hope to educate your school or community or just a question to learn more. We aim to walk alongside you.

Your humanity and the humanity of the frightened woman or girl and her growing unborn child, or YOUR disabled neighbor or family friend, or the frail grandmother or terminally ill husband is not in question. May we achieve a society where our choices reflect this beautiful reality.

Why your donation matters

Every life advocacy donation matters. Your donation:

  • Helps fund advocacy efforts to protect and promote the right to life 
  • Helps fund vital resources for educating our community and the distribution of many pro-life topics, young and old 
  • Enables us to foster local partnerships and mobilize community resources 
  • Offer real options and consider Life, as the Other Choice
  • Allows us to offer essential local contacts for pregnant mothers and families in need like HOTLINES, maternity clothing, baby supplies and emergency housing.
  • Helps us build and strengthen a nationwide network of pro-life organizations, health care providers and volunteers

Do you want to leave a lasting impact on both individuals and communities? Make a donation online today using the DONATE NOW BUTTON ABOVE or send a check to our address in KRTL, PO Box 2633, Kalamazoo, MI, 49003.

A woman is holding a baby in her arms on the beach at sunset.
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